Sunday, September 18, 2011

DRR Cyprus Visit

The 2011-2012 District Rotaract Representative Belal Al Ayoubi had a quick visit to Cyprus.

Limassol Amathusia hosted Belal at an extraordinary meeting held on the 18th September 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scholarship Award to Leading Students

A new Scholar

September is internationally named as the Rotary Youth Month.

On the 15th September 2011, keeping the tradition of previous years, the Club's sponsor Rotary club, in a joint meeting with our Rotaract Club presented the City's top scoring students with a scholariship for their University studies.

Presentation by the Club's President
The event was attended by previous and current scholars of Limassol Amathusia Rotary Club, and had as guest speaker a Lectureρ of the Cyprus Technological University (ΤΕΠΑΚ).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Profession Presentations

Since the the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations and the dignifying of each person's occupation as an opportunity to serve society is a key objective for Rotary and Rotaract, our club established the Profesion  Presentations

During each meeting, a different member each time gives a short (5-10mins) presentation on their profession, its challenges, the opportunities offered as well as the anticipated career path.

Members have the opportunity to ask questions and obtain a deeper understanding in relation to the specific profession and the related industries. This also helps members bond and appreciate the daily stuggles of their fellow members